Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life is like Bejeweled!

Picture credit: FortuneFun @ Flickr

We often heard about 'Life is like a box of chocolate!' But have you ever heard about 'Life is like Bejeweled!'? That is what I feel when I play the game! Hehe.. Have you ever tried that game before? For me, what ever decision that you take, has consequences. Let say, if you push the 'ruby' and suddenly you realized that you should push the 'topaz', you are going to get different points -- maybe the points for demolishing the 'ruby' is smaller than the 'topaz' . But then, when you push the 'ruby', you still get other chances to ruin other jewels and you might even score more! You know what I mean?

Same goes to life. If we think that the decision that we have made is not good enough, there must be a reason why. Then, we must also dare to face the risk from the decision that we have made! Thus, every single decision that you have decide will have different impacts! You just have to know how to choose wisely. Making decision is not always easy. You just have to know what is the best for you.

So, this game has a lot of surprises. Using the facebook, you can always compete with your friends and look who scores the highest mark! Right now, Toji is leading... well, she always leads! Cisss!

Have fun choosing the jewels people!


ONE ZABA said...

naik kelabu dah mata ni duk main game tu.

Ticer Syah said...

saja pong.. keekkek.. sampai naik bodo.. tak nampak menda tu depan mata..akkaka

MaszLaVista said...

aku sgt terer bermain game ni kak...

Ticer Syah said...

ko harus main dalam pesbuk..spy kita boleh challenge satu sama lain..akkakaka

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