Friday, November 6, 2009

Hebatnya Jawi...

I learnt Jawi when I was in Year 3. My dad sent me to kelas agama petang (that's what we call it during those days..). Although I hated this class so much, my dad still paksa me to go...Kuikuikui.. So, we learnt Arabic, Jawi, Sirah, Tajwid etc (aku lupa lah). The most important thing that I like is Jawi. Why, because Jawi is such a beautiful art that only certain people know how to read it. Just like the Chinese characters. And the ustazah always praise me for my nice Jawi handwriting..
"Cantik la Jawi kamu ni.."
So, in those day, if we want to say something in front of the kids (tamo kasi adik ikut pi kedai kaa.. ini my Mum selalu buat) or umpat anything etc.. we always use the Jawi spelling.. just like these examples..

1. Mak nak pi kap-dal-alif-ya.. ko dok umah kejap...takut kejap lagi Adik nak alif-kap-wau-ta
So that my brother wouldn't know where Mom's going.

2. Budak cha-ya-nun-alif tu suka benor makan ba-alif-ba-ya
Now, the particular person pon tak tau we were talking about him..wakakkaka...

3. Eh, ko tengok si kap-lam-ya-nga tu.. tiak busuk...

4. Mak, orang nak alif-ya-kap-wau-ta boleh?
Hoh.. korang reti kah?

I am wondering now, do some of us still using the Jawi spelling to say something that is quite discreet? Hehhe..

I always use it till now.


MaszLaVista said...

kak syidah, kalo aku terjemah jawi ko tu kang bleh jadik entry ber-racist pulak kang! ahahaha...aku pon sekolah agama gak tp subjek febret aju baasa arab..<--sj nk kekwat aku bleh berbahasa arab nih...kekekkeke

Ticer Syah said...

wakkaka... tu pasal aku biokan aje tanpa terjemahan..sat gi akunye blog kena flag..wakakkakka

bahasa arab oso i loike.. tp i bery the slow learner la.. lagipon ostazah dia tk bes

jane said...

ajy pyb spell jawi gak ngan adik badik, esp kalo nak wat ketupat....suker. tapi, baby zara aku boleh tipu lagi,lah. yg lain2....celik jawi ko...

Ticer Syah said...

nasib baik le kita terer jawi..eekekeek..senang kilija

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