Monday, February 16, 2009

Kejohanan Olahraga SK Padang Perahu 2009

Salam u alls.. I'm back. Sorry for keeping you waiting. This time around, I couldn't have time to blog due to my workload yang overload. Hehe.. My school had just finished our Sport's Day. Letih bangat. We were busy creating the mascot, training the students and also keeping up our good spirit towards the Sports Day. The most important thing.. there was a big reward to all the teachers after the Sports Day. Apa ek.. Keep on reading lah.. hehehe..

These are the pictures taken before the Hari Kejohanan. We were busy with the Sukantara and also the rehearsal for the big day. Tu pasal balik dari sekolah flat giler babas. Tak menahan. Everyday balik rumah at 6.30 (Chewah..) Balik tak larat nak bukak Peter.. takat download gambo aje la..

Sukantara -- to collect the points for the house. Huhu..

Operasi membuat maskot.. Pulun tol kitaorang nak dapat hamper punya pasal.. ngeee

The lompat jauh finale.. hoho.. terjun tiruk tuuuu....

Penjaga line untuk lompat jauh bersama air kotak yang disponsor.. hehehe..

Buat pom-pom untuk perbarisan.. juga nak dapat hamper punya pasal.. Cikgu yang pulun lebih.. cesss...

Below are the pictures during the big day. Enjoy you alls... heheh..

Rumahku.. Rumah Merah.. Go Red Ants Go!

Cikgi2 vogue bersama mascot semut merah kitaorang.. Jaga baaaiiikkk.. kami geget montot baru tau haa... hehehe

Rumah Kuning dengan mascot helangnye.. Depa menang mascot terbaik. Semut Merah nombot 2.. huwaaaaa.... tahun depan aku nak wat naga sakti plak.. siap ko umah kuning..huhuhu

Rumah hijau dengan ulat beluncasnye yang dengan mudah dimakan helang.. wakakakkaka

Rumah biru ala zorro.. wahhh.. taun depan leh tiru idea zorro nih.. hehehe..

Bersama mascots yang sempat diambil.

Wajah2 ayu hakim penamat.. wakakakka

The latest points.. huhu.. umah aku no3. Tencen... usaha lebih giat lagi taun depan... Red Ants bulehhhhhhh...

1 comment:

mohd nor a.k.a saintis said...

rumah biru tu macam kamen rider. wajah2 ayu hakim pemenat bukan aaa..rindu aku kat sukan sekolah...

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