Yesterday, the course that I needed to attend started. The course starts at 8 a.m and ends at 4.30 pm. Tomorrow is the last day for the Reading Strand. After the school holiday, there would be another 3 days course for writing and another 3 more days will be conducted in November. Each of us was given 5 boxes of storybooks (each box costs RM160) to be put in our class. The storybooks are imported from Australia. They are very good books and my kids are very excited to see the books. Only 100 schools were selected to be in this programme. It was good actually (if you are planning to be a guru pakar... for me.. argh.. it will be my precious books for my reading spot). We need to take care of the books because if the books are stolen or damaged.. there would be no replacement for it.. Owh... tragicnyer..
Our group presentation... I'm the artist here.. huhu
One of the 3 modules we are using.. huhu (ETeMS pon tak pakai module sebanyak nih..)
The only thorns in my group.. They are hilarious.. sakit pewot join depa..
During our lunchtime on the first day.. It was raining heavily and the school was flooded.. Abis sandal santek ku..
Kau ni Syahjehan ek?
heheh.. ya bener.. sampai gak ko kat blog aku yg somel nih.. wakakkakak
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