Friday, March 18, 2011

Makcik menang BUKU!!!!

For a bookworm like me, winning a storybook is like getting a pot of gold! Well, I joined a contest hosted by Books-Stack on the 1st of March. As soon as I knew about the contest, tergedik-gediklah join! Kakakka

This is the banner.

I was hoping to get the main prize because I would get a book. Alhamdullillah, I WIN!!!! Kehkehkeh.. Sila dengkis..sila dengkis.

For the main prizzies, I can have any book of my choice along with a bookmark and a necklace!!! Alhamdullillah again! Whoa, that was unexpected. Hehehehe

Anyway, I would like to express my gratitude to the owner of the Books-Stack for selecting me to be one of the main prize winner. Congratulations to all the winners too!

And you readers, if you wish to get books with affordable prices, you can always shop here. I found that the books are quite cheaper than Popular or MPH Bookstores! So, why waiting -- surf the Books-Stack NOW!!!

Akhir kalam...

WE WIN!!!!

Makcik Monang Bukuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ah Win said...

aku ske buku..aku ske aku baca buku melayu..
ironi..sbb aku ngaja b inggeris

cane wei.nak bg minat buku omputih?

toyolkiut said...

wah.. tahniah!
TK bc suratkhabar pun malas, ni kn pula nk mngadap buku..

Ticer Syah said...

buku BM pon aku baca.. tp choosy jugak..akakka.. faisal tehrani punye writing sungguh bagus dan selesa utk perkembangan otak dan minda..akakkaka

buku BI kalau ko tamo borink, try baca danielle steel, john grisham, sidney sheldon (selalu ada ending yg tidak terduga dek akal) dan jugak sophie kinsella.. yang lain2 ada jugak.. tp ko try depa ni dulu..hehehehe (wpon suka baca novel ttp tak baper terer spiking..apsal eh? kakakka

Toyol Kiut:
tak ble tahan nama ko..akkaaaka.. ticer mmg antu buku la yang.. kat sebelah katil pon berderet buku2 novel..agak2 borink main pesbuk.. layan buku plak..kekekkee..

Ah Win said...

aku tade bace itu pejal tehrani..
aku lebih pd buku karya sasterawan negara.(azizi abdullah, abdullah hussein, keris mas, shahnon ahmad, a samad said)

lebih pada pembacaan cerpen. sbb aku tak tekun nak baca novel panjang2..lgpun..kalau aku insist jugak baca yg novel panjang2..mmg kompom mati kebulur famili aku tak makan nasik..peh tu aku akan ngidap insomnia sbb x tido ralit baca n nak habiskan novel

Unknown said...

em kita dah dapat hadiah tu...tengkiu...check entry blog kita...sok tengahari masuklah entry pasal adiah tuh...tengkiu ye..

Ticer Syah said...

baca novel memang meralitkan.. kadang2 lakiku siap time baca kat kedai aje..sbb baca cepat sangat..buku tebal tp 2 or 3 hari sudah habis.. kalau tekun giler 1 hari boleh habis.. tpi lepas tu mmg rumah tak terbela.. makan pakai suma kim salam..sebab dok giler reading to finish the book..kkakakaka

seb bek dah sampai.. hohoho

azza_irah said...

As Salam..
tkasih singgah di sedetikhati.
Tkasih juga link kan blog sy di blog cikgu..
salam kenal dr cikgu azza.. :))

Ticer Syah said...

salam ckgu azza

tq for coming..i like to read ur postings :)

keep on writing ya :)

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