Wednesday, September 9, 2009

While I was sleeping....

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I hate to go to sleep in the afternoon... why? Because if I fall asleep, I am pretty sure that the kids will have a lot of things in their mind..

"Mama sleep dah..jom kita main kat sana..."
"Tu handphone Mama... Angah amik sattt..."

I could hear them whispered one day.. Since on that particular day, I was deadly tired and couldn't move an inch, I just let them do whatever they wished for.. huhu..

And when I woke up, the first thing I will look for is my phone... they loved to play with it because it has so many games and they love to watch their own video in it.. huhu..sangat syok sendirik..wakakakakka...

"Adam, where's my phone?"
"Angaaaahh...amik phone Mama sat.. "
"Hangpa buat apa ngan phone Mama?"
"Takdak apa pon... "

Usually I would fine the visual like the one on top of this post and also down here.. hehehe

The Spongebob on the tv would be always their experiments in capturing the pictures...

And Salman would happily change the channel while his brother tried to take the pictures.. haaa ko, mana ada channel 41 cek oit.. kita takdak Asterok okeh.. wakakakkak

Payah sungguh bila budak kecik sudah cekap dalam segalanya.. huhu..

P/S: I miss Adam so much..sudah dua hari dia sleep umah Mak Tok, refused to be at home.. huhu.. Rumah Mak Tok ada Astro.. umah kita takdak pon...


teratakcintakita said...

anak i pun gitu jugak. dia dh pandai snap pincture.. ahhahaha

kadang tu .. macam2 dia ambik ..sampai ker lubang idung si adik pun dia snap..

tapi ada satu kali tu . dia hilangkan semua data ( dlm phone.. huhuhuhu sib baik leh claim balik kt headoffice..

MaszLaVista said...

dh besar konpem salman jadik kemremen gitu..dh nmpk ketokohan beliau ;p

Ticer Syah said...

anggerik: sjak bla ko jadi bunga plak..ekekkee... bole claim ek..aku dulu ilang data tak ble pong.. sbb aku nye prepaid..nyampah..

mas: wakakakak.. tencen maa..ntah haper2 gambo dia amik..sabo je aku

teratakcintakita said...

aku kena sumpah jadi bunga dude... ehhehehehe

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