Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sambutan Isra' dan Mikraj

Today is the Hari Sambutan Isra' and Mikraj at the school level. However, the sambutan will start after recess. So, early in the morning, the classes are on as usual.

My pupils yang datang only 19 of them. So, I bring them to the library to read the big books.

Upacara membuat lempok durian. Meramas-ramas durian dan membuang bijiknya.. Patut la bes.. wakakakkaaka

Dah letih meramas, sesi makan buah jentik polak.

Deretan buah-buahan menunggu masa untuk diserbu.

Dengar ceramah dulu baru la boleh serbu.. hehe

Lempok durian dah siap untuk dimakan.. sedappp

Sesi melarikan diri dari mendengar ceramah... wakkakakakkaka

Sesi makan polakkk..

My paperwork regarding the bulletin for my school. Hehe.

Dunno what to elaborate more. Letih bangat lah.. Oh ye, tadi the whole Jitra had no electricity. Nak beli minyak pon tatak tempat. At last beli gak kat the one and only Petronas yang ada karan.. Huh.. buang karan btoi...

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