Friday, August 22, 2008

Naufal's Hair Day

Rambut Naufal lepas operasi cari dan bunuh...hehehe

It is obvious to see whether your child got some freaking lice on their head or not. I just found out Naufal got those god-damn freaking lice on his head a couple of days ago. We tried to hunt it down on our own and we succeeded to kill nearly 15 lice altogether.. We also found out that the eggs were also empty.. bermakna.. suma sudah keluar lah.. cesss..aku mencik kutu.. kuikui..
I was wondering why Naufal really obsessed to scratch his head all the time. Rupanya ada penunggu jeng-jeng-jeng kat kepala dia.. What a shame.. This is his second time to have this god-damn freaking lice on his head. The first one was a year ago, where I shaved his head until botak licin and what make me hate the lice more is when that god-damn freaking lice also came and enjoying themselves on my head too.. celakess...kes..kess.. I really hate the lice. I got itchy and gatalling my kepala throughout my head! Menderita beb! A year ago, Adam brought the lice home, and this year, it's Naufal's turn to bring them home.... and of course those freaking things are from the nursery(a good place to breed the lice too..wakakka). We were lucky to get it detected earlier..kalau tak.. jadi macam last year.. all of us (except Salman..sebab tak lahir lagi and Papa.. selamat la ko Papa..) jadi perumah si lice ni hah.. Memang..ciken liken tol.
Anyway, this year only Naufal got that thing on his head, orang lain terselamat kali ini.. Misi menyelamat Naufal telah diteruskan dengan misi memotong rambut...wakakakakkaka.. setelah operasi mencari dan membunuh itu kutu telah menemui jalan buntu.. Papa and I sudah give up nak cari dah.. asal cari je jumpa.. Banyak betul.. siap melompat atas baju polak.. eee... tolon la.. tak senonoh itu kutus..

Sapa tak penah nengok kutu.. haa.. ni gambo kutu dan kroninya.. wakakakka

And I found out that lice love the head that is clean so that they could easily suck the blood without any problems.. Kalau ada kelemumur leceh plak nak isap darah.. huhu.. sabo je kutu nih. Apa pon, misi menyelamat telah tamat dan akan dihabiskan dengan proses pembasmian kuman dengan menaburkan syampu anti kutu kat atas kepala..
If you happen to have this kind of problem... kindly go the pharmacy and buy the A-Lice Shampoo.. it's quite small but powerful!.. It will help u to kill not only the lice but also the eggs.. pooff..pooff..pecah telurnya.. hehe..

Ni polak, lepas operasi penebangan.. misi menyelamat kepala.. huhu

Selamat membasmi kutu you alls...

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