Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My pelantar -- still under construction

The planning of using woods for pelantar would be just a dream. This is because the cost for all the materials are very-very expensive. The cost for the woods only is around RM600 excluding the upah. Waduh.. mau pisan. So, we decided to stay with our original plan, that is to put the tiles only. Hehe. Later on, I'll put on the tikar mengkuang to make it looks like kampung style. Hehehe.. I was thinking to put the pareo on top of the pelantar just to cover the pipelines.. Huhu.. Musti santek kan.. Wah.. esok leh pi Tesco beli pareo satu.

And as usual, the tukang tile is missing in action again. Huh.. sekeh baru tau.

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