Friday, July 4, 2008

Anda tulis / taip / email RPH anda?

Lesson planku.. hehe

I went for blog hopping and stopped by at this blog. The post is about how do we write our lesson plans. So, this is how I write my lesson plan. I do it just by typing, print it out and paste it in my RPH book. Easy eh? Save time and save your pen ink too. Hence, it will make your printer works better because the printer that are not active can easily rosak. Hehehe.. believe me. Lebih baik rosak dipakai dari rosak tak bersentuh. Muehehehe.

Ni la lesson plan yang aku buat setiap hari. Siap a day before. Hehe.. Stickers tu Kak Uda aku yang belikan. Dia ni tau favourite aku ngan stickers.. so, dia selalu beli sampai berbundle-bundle untuk aku yang somel nih. Kalau dah habis, aku pi cari aje kat pasar malam RM1 per sheet.

Yang ni pulak akunye scheme of work. Kena wat sendiri jugak... kiranya macam yearly lesson plan. Kena buat kecik2 supaya leh tampal dalam RPH (Rekod Pengajaran Harian)

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