After quite some time I didn't have a chance to pamper myself. So, today I went to the gym.. ( bukan suicide okeh..) Suda seminggu tidak ketemu, so I did all the things that the trainer taught me before.. Sangat letih and pancit okeh! Main thread mill pon takat 2.2km aje..hoh la aku nih..
Right after the gym, I went to the beauty centre to do my facial lah. Last time I bought their loose powder and a few more things, so they gave me the voucher. With the voucher I did the facial.. Bernilai RM200 oooo.. sangat bes.

"Emas tarak kah?"
"Emas tak dak lorr.."
"Hmmm... kristal lah.."
"Last nite you tido pukui brapa?"
"Around 3.."
"Kenapa lewat.."
"Bz la.." Padahal merempit layan komen FB..kuikui..
"See..your eyes got tanda oredi.. nak buat treatment mata tak?"
"Tamo..tamo..I tak baper kaya hari ni.."

Abaikan dagu berlapis itu..dan juga lubang hidung Gorilla ku..wakakakaka...dan juga bahu cekci.. awww..Benda alah dia pegang tu lah kristal apa ntah tu.. tak paham aku..layan aje.. kuikuikui..
"Treatment ni ada massage?"
"Ada... for your face, hands and back saja lor.."
"Ok la.. I nak sleep.. you buat la apa pun.."
Then, Felicia soh timbang..
"Okay..turun 1 pound.."
"Aik..satu aje.. I tot I tak makan dah...mesin you rosakkah?"
"Takde la..nanti makan makanan fibre banyak-banyak lorrr.."
"Tengok la kalau I ada masa.." I have to eat fibre banyak-banyak.. and my trainer told me that I can eat anything, still..I need to control here and there. Ok.. I follow what my trainer told me.. lebih mudah sebab can sebat everything..wakakakka.. but then kena stim aje ok.. jangan nak goreng menggoreng.. very unhealthy!
Itu saja cerita ceriti hari ini.. the poodle has gone mad as usual. I just don't understand why..Lantak pi kat hang la.. Only one thing I would like to add.. Perempuan baik untuk lelaki baik.. and looking at your spouse and you..aku tak menjadi hairan.. ooowwhh.. no wonder she's like this because you are just like her! Kuikuikui..Big L for both of u!
So, readers.. need to go now..ngantuk already... feel free to comment. No tolerance with anon :) -betoi kah BI aku? haha...bajet bagus BI je aku ni..wakakakka...
Tempat aku selalu wat facial ada polak pokok Xmas cute.. so cute.. tapi cute lagi Xmas tree kat Farmville aku..kuikui..
Felicia asked me..
"Puan.. you nak buat yang mana? Seven layer mask or crystal?"Felicia asked me..
"Emas tarak kah?"
"Emas tak dak lorr.."
"Hmmm... kristal lah.."
"Last nite you tido pukui brapa?"
"Around 3.."
"Kenapa lewat.."
"Bz la.." Padahal merempit layan komen FB..kuikui..
"See..your eyes got tanda oredi.. nak buat treatment mata tak?"
"Tamo..tamo..I tak baper kaya hari ni.."
Abaikan dagu berlapis itu..dan juga lubang hidung Gorilla ku..wakakakaka...dan juga bahu cekci.. awww..Benda alah dia pegang tu lah kristal apa ntah tu.. tak paham aku..layan aje.. kuikuikui..
"Treatment ni ada massage?"
"Ada... for your face, hands and back saja lor.."
"Ok la.. I nak sleep.. you buat la apa pun.."
Then, Felicia soh timbang..
"Okay..turun 1 pound.."
"Aik..satu aje.. I tot I tak makan dah...mesin you rosakkah?"
"Takde la..nanti makan makanan fibre banyak-banyak lorrr.."
"Tengok la kalau I ada masa.." I have to eat fibre banyak-banyak.. and my trainer told me that I can eat anything, still..I need to control here and there. Ok.. I follow what my trainer told me.. lebih mudah sebab can sebat everything..wakakakka.. but then kena stim aje ok.. jangan nak goreng menggoreng.. very unhealthy!
Itu saja cerita ceriti hari ini.. the poodle has gone mad as usual. I just don't understand why..Lantak pi kat hang la.. Only one thing I would like to add.. Perempuan baik untuk lelaki baik.. and looking at your spouse and you..aku tak menjadi hairan.. ooowwhh.. no wonder she's like this because you are just like her! Kuikuikui..Big L for both of u!
So, readers.. need to go now..ngantuk already... feel free to comment. No tolerance with anon :) -betoi kah BI aku? haha...bajet bagus BI je aku ni..wakakakka...
x penah lg buat facial krystal tu..
beb, im so envy that u got chance to do treatment.sighhh...when can i do mine,ah?
its not very costly,isit?
hope i got my chance when the gaji is in..hohohoho
p/s: just ignore the goddamn b***h ok..not worth a cent layan those crayyzee peps
ezzati: den pon tatau dia wat per..sbb lepas tu aku zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz..wakakkakkaka..
nik: find time lor.. nak tunggu time memang no time..u have to find ur time.. skali skali belai badan bes.. p massage pon bes.. ada skali aku wat breast treatment..wakakakka..sungguh malu bangat..skali tu je aku buat.. tamo buat dah..wakakakka.. aku wat sndiri kat rumah..just beli the cream..kasi ganteng..hahha.
not very costly and i always wait for them to have discounts.. weh christmas nak dekat..mcm2 diskaun ble dapat.. hehehe...
p/s; abes da layan hanjeng tu.. nampak sangat skola takat darjah tiga..tak pon SPM pangkat 3..kuikui... laki bini giler.. dah tu laki spesis dayus sebab bini kata kalau dia marah, laki tak ble wat per.. hohoh..kecut teloq la tu..wakakkka
nyah, mak pakai eumora tibe2 jadik megik laa..memula muke kering kontang laa ni dh lawa bak memakai botox nyah...laki mak pon pakai..dh jelita dah laki mak need to facial emas or kristal dah..kekekekek
eumora aku besa dengaq la.. mahal kan ke sabun dia..ekekkeke..kena try juga deh nanti..baper hengget ko beli mas? sila bilang sama gueee...
aku nampak iklan dia kat klinik aritu..
eumora tu satu bar 95 hengget...dahtu cinonit jek, tahan dlm 2 mujarab nye leh nmpk dlm masa 2 ari..kalo beli set 4 bar dpt 360 hengget..maknanya satu bar tu dia jual 90 hengget laa...
tu pon kalo beli dgn dealer aku..kekekeke..berani laa dia nk jual mahal2 ngan aku kan??
wah..mcm bes aje.. so pakai sehari 2 kali kah? aku nengok gak iklan kat klinik tu..mcm real aku nengok muka hang pong gebu elok aje..wahhh..kena try..(rabak seh poket..)
haah..pakai sehari 2kali..mmg real pon nyah..mule pakai kalao kulit hang byk toksik, maka akan sedikit kering-kontang laa mcm aku time memula pakai dulu..pastu dlm masa 5 ari, dia ok balik...pastu kulit jadik licin..glowing2 gitu..sumpah, aku x tipu..
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